Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background. Pathology of the patellofemoral joint (PFJ) is a common, but insufficiently understood problem. According to some authors, about 15% of first-time patients have an isolated patellofemoral pathology. In another 25% of patients, patellofemoral symptoms are a secondary manifestation of other diseases, such as instability of the anterior cruciate ligament and rupture of the meniscus. In the diagnosis of pathology PFJ important carefully collected history and a full clinical examination. The purpose of this review is to summarize the data on the diagnosis of orthopedic pathology of the patellofemoral joint. Search strategy. A literature search was conducted in PubMed / Scopus / MEDLINE electronic databases covering the last three decades by keywords: patellofemoral joint, osteoarthritis, tibiofemoral joint, syndrome of patellofemoral pain, diagnosis, methods. Inclusion criteria: available full-text articles on original research since 1987, diagnoses of primary osteoarthritis, exclusion criteria: articles - description of individual cases, articles in other foreign languages, other than English. 48 articles included in the analysis. Results. Orthopedic pathology of PFJ is a serious, fairly common, but not enough studied problem. In the diagnosis of pathology PFJ important carefully collected history disease and a full clinical examination. Given the large range of orthopedic diseases characterized by similar clinical and anamnestic data, in the differential diagnosis and verification of the diagnosis it is advisable to use the entire arsenal of modern research methods (radiographs in various projections, CT, MRI) that complement traditional ones. Conclusion. In the differential diagnosis and verification of the diagnosis of the pathology of the patellofemoral joint, it is advisable to use the entire arsenal of modern research methods (radiographs in various projections, CT, MRI) that complement the traditional ones.
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