Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The emergence of urgent neurosurgical conditions in pregnant women is a complex multidisciplinary problem which decision requires participation of experts of several adjacent specialties. Objective: to show the possibility of surgical treatment of non-traumatic intracerebral hematomas (NICH) in case of women in late terms of pregnancy. Research methods: there were two women in the late terms of pregnancy with NISG in office of neurosurgery of the Medical center of the State medical university of the Semey city were operated. One of these supervision is given. The woman with pregnancy 31 weeks, after 7 hours from the disease beginning in a serious condition with level of consciousness of 8 points on the Glasgow’ coma scale, with a hemiplegia at the left and with a meningeal syndrome arrived. The vital violations are not detected; heartbeat of the prenatal child was distinct. CT of a brain revealed a subcortical hematoma in the right frontal-parietal area, with a volume more than 80 ml. One hour after admission made open (craniotomy, encephalotomy) removal of intracerebral hematoma. Results: The operations of removal of NICH allowed to keep life to women, to provide pregnancy and the birth of viable children. Conclusion: The emergence of urgent neurosurgical pathology at the pregnant woman isn't fatal. Timely removal NICH during pregnancy enables saving a woman's life.
Number of Views: 707

Category of articles: Clinical case

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