Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Work is sanctified to the study and analysis of sensitiveness and stability of staphylococcus to different antibacterial preparations. As an object for research the medical personnel of establishments of institution of the East-Kazakhstan criminal-actuator system Departament, at that a laboratory inspection was conducted on of pathogenic staphylococcus and biometrial from patients among the special contingent of attendance centres with the diseases of festering-inflammatory character. Laboratory researches were conducted on the generally accepted methodology. Тhe antibiotikusensitiveness was defined by the disco- diffusion method. An analysis allowed to set the high level of stability of the distinguished stamms of yellow-green staphylococcus to the antibiotics.
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Б.Т. Токаева, Х.Х. Кималякова, Д.Х. Угушева, Т.С. Шихова АНАЛИЗ ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНОСТИ ЗОЛОТИСТОГО СТАФИЛОКОККА К АНТИБИОТИКАМ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 2. С.92-94 B.T. Tokaeva, H.H. Kimalyakova, D.H. Ugusheva, T.S. Shikhova ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVENESS OF YELLOW-GREEN STAPHYLOCOCCUS TO THE ANTIBIOTICS // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 2. С. 92-94 Б.Т. Токаева, Х.Х. Кималякова, Д.Х. Угушева, Т.С. Шихова АЛТЫН ТҮСТЕС СТАФИЛОКОККТІҢ АНТИБИОТИКТЕРГЕ СЕЗІМТАЛДЫҒЫН ТАЛДАУ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 2. С. 92-94

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