Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Studied the features of purine metabolism at stress exercise in untrained individuals and evaluation of its correction using polyphenol adaptogen. SSMU students were examined. Modeling physical stress load carried through veloergometry. The obtained results may justify the use of this drug and other polyphenolic adaptogens as a means of preventing adverse pathological effects of acute and chronic stressor effects.
Number of Views: 373

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Category of articles: Experimental medicine

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С.О. Рахыжанова1, Р.Р. Олжаева2, А.С. Сайдахметова3, Ж.К. Смайлова4, М.Ш. Кажитаев5, Б.Т. Сейтханова6 ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ ПУРИНОВОГО ОБМЕНА ПРИ СТРЕССЕ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ НАГРУЗКЕ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 3. С. 31-33 S.O..Rahyzhanova1, R.R..Olzhayeva2, A.S. Saydahmetova3, A.K. Musaynova4, ZH.K. Smailova5, M. Kazhitaev6, B.T. Seythanova7 INDICATORS OF PURINE METABOLISM DURING STRESS PHYSICAL LOAD // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 3. С. 31-33 С.О. Рахыжанова1, Р.Р. Олжаева2, А.С. Сайдахметова3, А.К. Мусаинова4, Ж.К. Смаилова5, М.Ш. Кажитаев6, Б.Т. Сейтханова7 ФИЗИКАЛЫҚ ЖҮКТЕМЕНІҢ СТРЕСС КЕЗІНДЕГІ ПУРИНДІК АЛМАСУДЫҢ КӨРСЕТКІШТЕРІ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 3. С. 31-33

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