Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Medical and social characteristic of families with disabled children (literature review)
In the world of every four households has a disabled family member. The majority of disabled children live in families. However, the world is very little published information is insufficient, and surveys on the situation of these families, underes-timated the importance of social and hygienic conditions and psychological climate in the family as factors influencing the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation, and prevention of disability.
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Category of articles: Review

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А.М. Елисинова МЕДИКО-СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА СЕМЕЙ, ВОСПИТЫВАЮЩИХ ДЕТЕЙ-ИНВАЛИДОВ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2012.№ 1. С. 7-9 А.Yelissinova Medical and social characteristic of families with disabled children (literature review) // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2012.№ 1. С. 7-9 А.М. Елисинова МҮГЕДЕК БАЛАЛАРДЫ ТӘРБИЕЛЕЙТІН ЖАҢҰЯЛАРДЫҢ МЕДИКО-ӘЛЕУМЕТТІК СИПАТЫ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2012.№ 1. С. 7-9

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