Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
One of the main tasks of the anaesthesiologist is the softening undesirable hemodynamic and nervously - the muscular reactions of the patient caused by an intubation of a trachea. The probability of occurrence of tussis at extubation fluctuates from 6,6 to 96%. Weakening of reflex communication of system of a circulation and respiratory tracts plays an important role at patients with warm - a vascular and reactive pathology of respiratory tracts, at nejro-surgical patients and at patients with damage of a brain. In our observations of 18 cases of extubation served as control at which манжетку ЭТТ, as usual, filled with air, and 18 cases have made the basic group at which cuff ЕТТ filled with peer volumes on 5 ml of a solution of lidocaine of 2% and 0,9% of a normal saline solution. Duration of an operative measure in both cases has made more than 1 hour of 30 minutes. Thus, despite a small amount of observations, it is possible to assert that Introduction lidocaine is the safe and effective method warning tussis after extubation.
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Т.Б. Тулеутаев, Е. Омирханов, М.К. Джакиянов, Д.С. Токенов СПОСОБ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ КАШЛЯ ПОСЛЕ ЭКСТУБАЦИИИ //НАУКА И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 1. С. 32-33 T.B. Tuleutaev, E. Omirkhanov, M.K. Jakianov, D.S. Tоkenov WAY OF THE PREVENTION OF TUSSIS AFTER EXTUBATION // NAUKA I ZDRAVOOKHRANENIE. 2012.№ 1. С. 32-33 Т.Б. Төлеутаев, Е. Омирханов, М.К. Джакиянов, Д.С. Төкенов ЭКСТУБАЦИЯДАН КЕЙІН ЖӨТЕЛДІҢ АЛДЫН АЛУ ӘДІСІ // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 1. С. 32-33

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