Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Cytokines requlation of immunopespon at pulmonary tuberculosis. The resultions of investiqation of natural immuniry, was had differen means wreh depens on clinical form of pulmonary tuberculosis. Af fibrow awernows pulmonary tuberants was obtoined reliable nequtive correlahives lirk betweeb intracellure contebs cation protein and concentration MPO in serum of blood. At other form of tuberculosis this law wasnot marked. Activiry mononuclears phaqocytissystem, whih it s possible by inerasinq of secretion IL-B, leads to increase of deqree cations proteins LF in MPO. Activation of I-helper of tupes – opposise, leads to redse of these parameters.
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К.С. Игембаева, Р.С. Игембаева, Ж.Ж. Конкакова, Л.П. Бритенкова, Б.К. Жаркенова, Н.Б. Нургалиев, И.М. Байльдинова ЦИТОКИНОВАЯ РЕГУЛЯЦИЯ ИММУННОГО ОТВЕТА ПРИ ТУБЕРКУЛЕЗЕ ЛЕГКИХ . //НАУКА И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 2. С. 117-118 K.S. Igembaeva, R.S. Igembaeva, ZH.ZH. Konkaкova, L.P. Britenkova, B.K. ZHarkenova, N.B. Nurgaliev, I.M. Baylidinova CITOKIN REGULATIONY IMMUNNOPESPON ANSWER AT TUBERCULOSIS LIGHT . // NAUKA I ZDRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 2. С. 117-118 К.С. Игембаева, Р.С. Игембаева, Ж.Ж. Конкакова, Л.П. Бритенкова, Б.К. Жаркенова, Н.Б. Нургалиев, И.М. Байльдинова ӨКПЕ ТУБЕРКУЛЕЗІ КЕЗІНДЕГІ ОРГАНИЗМНІҢ ИММУНДЫҚ ЖАУАБЫНЫҢ ЦИТОКИНДІК РЕГУЛЯЦИЯСЫ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 2. С. 117-118

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