Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Actuality. Every day about 100 million sexual intercourses are accomplished in the world, there is conception in 910.000 cases, in 10% of these cases pregnancy ends with artificial abortion. From data of Worldwide organization of health protection the annual amount of surgical abortions exceeds 55 millions in the world, there are 300-500 abortions on every 1000 births, about 70 thousand women annually die from complications after surgical abortion, every fourth, cutting the first pregnancy short a surgical way, becomes sterile!
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У.С. Самарова, Д.С. Мусина Социально-гигиенические аспекты искусственного прерывания беременности. //НАУКА И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 2. С. 135-137 U.S. Samarova, D.S. Mussina SOCIAL-HYGIENIC ASPECTS OF ABORTION. // NAUKA I ZDRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 2. С. 135-137 У.С. Самарова, Д.С. Мусина ЖАСАНДЫТҮСІКТІҢӘЛЕУМЕТТІК-ГИГИЕНАЛЫҚАСПЕКТТЕРІ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 2. С. 135-137

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