Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
There are revealed two clinical types of frequent ill children depending from the course of ARI. First clinical type is char-acterized by high frequency of ARI, Jоз – 0, 67 and more, expressed intoxication and fever, bronchoobstructive syndrome, cough during reconvalescent period, complications are in the type bronchitis and pneumonia; second clinical type is characterized by low frequent of acute respiratory infections, Jоз – from 0,33 up to 0,67, cough and fulminant course, rhinitis during reconvalescent period and complications as a diseases of ENT – organs.
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Г.Т. Камашева, Р.Ж. Бактыбаева, К.Н. Жанасова, Г.М. Майжанова, К.Ж. Койшыбаева, Л.Т. Кельдыбаева КЛИНИЧЕСКИЕ ТИПЫ ЧАСТО БОЛЕЮЩИХ ДЕТЕЙ ГОРОДА СЕМЕЙ. //НАУКА ИЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 3. С. 67-68 G.T. Kamasheva, R. Zh. Baktibaeva, K.N. Zhanasova, G.M. Maizhanova, K.Zh. Koishibayeva, L.T. Keldybayeva CLINICAL TYPES OF FREQUENT ILL CHILDREN IN SEMEY CITY . // NAUKA I DRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 3. С. 67-68 Г.Т. Камашева, Р.Ж. Бактыбаева, К.Н. Жанасова, Г.М. Майжанова, К.Ж. Койшыбаева, Л.Т. Кельдыбаева СЕМЕЙ ҚАЛАСЫ ЖИІ АУЫРАТЫН БАЛАЛАРЫНЫҢ КЛИНИКАЛЫҚ ТҮРЛЕРІ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 3. С. 67-68

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