Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In article the short review on a current state of questions of trombolitickal therapy is made at an acute coronary syndrome, the comparative analysis of fibrinolitickal preparations of different generations is given, to their advantages and shortcomings. The important role of trombolitickal therapy as modern method of treatment of an acute coronary syndrome is noted.
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Category of articles: Articles

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Е.П. Бендриковская, Б.Ж. Сарбасова, М.Т. Елемесова, 4Т.Ш. Матунова, 3С.М. Исаханова, А.Ж. Адилбеков ТРОМБОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ТЕРАПИЯ ПРИ ОСТРОМ КОРОНАРНОМ СИНДРОМЕ. //НАУКА ИЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 3. С. 82-83 E.P. Bendrikovskaya, B.G. Sarbasova, M.Т. Elemesova, T.Sh. Matunova, S.M. Isakhanova, A.Zh. Adilbekov TROMBOLITICKAL THERAPY AT ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME. // NAUKA I DRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 3. С. 82-83 Е.П. Бендриковская, Б.Ж. Сарбасова, М.Т. Елемесова, 4Т.Ш. Матунова, 3С.М. Исаханова, А.Ж. Адилбеков ӨТКІР КОРОНАРЛЫҚ СИНДРОМ КЕЗІНДЕ ҚОЛДАНЫЛАТЫН ТРОМБОЛИЗИСТІК ТЕРАПИЯ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 3. С. 82-83

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