Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In article the short review on a current state of questions of complex treatment of bronchial asthma is made. The role of anti-inflammatory preparations as means of basic therapy is specified. Value of non-drug methods of treatment, educational programs for the patient and training to its method of self-checking is noted.
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Category of articles: Articles

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Е.П. Бендриковская, Б.Ж. Сарбасова, Ш.О. Калиева, А.И. Сторож, Н.Н. Чернова, Б.С. Сейсекенова, А.Ж. Адилбеков О комплексном лечении бронхиальной астмы. //НАУКА ИЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 3. С. 85-86 E.P. Bendrikovskaya, B.G. Sarbasova, S.О. Каlieva, А.E. Storozh, N.N. Chernova, B.S. Seysekenova, A.Zh. Adilbekov ABOUT COMPLEX TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA . // NAUKA I DRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 3. С. 85-86 Е.П. Бендриковская, Б.Ж. Сарбасова, Ш.О. Калиева, А.И. Сторож, Н.Н. Чернова, Б.С. Сейсекенова, А.Ж. Адилбеков БРОНХЫЛЫҚ АСТМА АУРУЫНДА ҚОЛДАНЫЛАТЫН КЕШЕНДІ ЕМДЕР. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 3. С. 85-86

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