Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The hyperactive urinary bladder (HUB) is a chronic symptom complex of the urination derangement. Basically, the HUB rests on hyperactivity of a detrusor of the neurogenic or idiopathic nature. The comprehensive approach to treatment, namely: a combination of the behaviour therapy, exercising of the urinary bladder, pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy will have a significant effect on the imperative urination syndrome, allow to obtain good results in a shorter time, having a minimum of side effects. What, eventually, results in improvement of the quality of patients' life. We used to order Kegel's exercises, diadynamic currants to the area of the urinary bladder and perineum, we bring into use the behaviour therapy. In drug treatment of patients we administer as follows: Driptane (Oxybutynin), Trospium (Spasmex).
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Category of articles: Case histories

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А.С. Гаврильман, Ж.Ж. Уахитов, Б.Д. Шакабаев, Б.А. Байкуатов, Е.Б. Бектуров, С.Т. Абдрахманов НАШ ОПЫТ КОМБИНИРОВАННОГО ЛЕЧЕНИЯ ГИПЕРАКТИВНОГО МОЧЕВОГО ПУЗЫРЯ. //НАУКА ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 3. С. 134-135 A.S. Gavrilman, ZH. ZH. Uakhitov, B. D. Shakabayev, B.A. Baikuatov, YE. B. Bekturov, S.T. Abdrakhmanov OUR EXPERIENCE OF A COMBINATION THERAPY OF THE HYPERACTIVE URINARY BLATTER. // NAUKA I DRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 3. С. 134-135 А.С. Гаврильман, Ж.Ж. Уахитов, Б.Д. Шакабаев, Б.А. Байкуатов, Е.Б. Бектуров, С.Т. Абдрахманов ГИПЕРБЕЛСЕНДІ ҚУЫҚ ҰҒЫМЫНЫН ҚҰРАМА ЕМДЕҮДІН БІЗДІН ТӘЖЕРИБЕМІЗ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 3. С. 134-135

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