Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Polimetabolic syndrome is a combination of several factors on pathobiochemical and pathophysiological level, leads to the development of diseases associated with atherosclerosis. Therefore, the identification of this syndrome in clinical practice doctor is very important. Three markers of the syndrome - abdominal obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia - is accompanied by insulin resistance of tissues. Early diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome increases the efficiency of identifying individuals at high risk for coronary heart disease by 4-5 times and helps to early prevention of atherosclerotic disease.
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А.С. Керемқұлова, А.М. Маркабаева, А.Е. Нуржанова, Н.А. Жумырбаева, М.К. Адиева, Б.Қ. Курмангажина ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПИТАНИЯ ПРИ МЕТАБОЛИЧЕСКОМ СИНДРОМЕ. //НАУКА И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 5. С. 30-32 A.S. Kerimkulova, A.M. Markabayeva, A.E. Nurzhanova, N.F. Zhumurbaeva, M.K. Adiyeva, B.K. Kurmangazhina FEEDING OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME. // NAUKA I ZDRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 5. С. 30-32 А.С. Керімқұлова, А.М. Марқабаева, А.Е. Нуржанова, Н.А. Жумырбаева, М.К. Адиева, Б.Қ. Құрманғажина МЕТАБОЛИКАЛЫҚ СИНДРОМ КЕЗІНДЕГІ ТАМАҚТАНУ ЕРЕКШЕЛІКТЕРІ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 5. С. 30-32

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