Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Perforation - the li fe-threatening complication which is observing on the average at 5 % of patients with stomach ulcer. However, if patients are exposed to excessive influence of adverse factors and don't receive adequate conservative treatment, the risk of perforation can essentially raise. The vast majority of perforations (75-85 %) is the share now of duodenal localization of an ulcer. Research is based on studying of results of operative treatment of 80 patients with a perforative ulcer of duodenum, being in clinic of hospital surgery from 2000 for 2011. 74 (91 %) was made by people of able-bodied age. Among total of sick men was 77 (95 %), women 3 (5 %). Middle age of patients from 19-68 years. At 16 (20 %) patients are revealed various accompanying diseases. The choice of surgical tactics was directed on the simultaneous solution of the following tasks - elimination of a source of peritonitis, radical treatment of stomach ulcer, a small trauma. The laparotomy, take in of a perforative ulcer of a duodenum made at 25 (30 %), a laparotomy take in of a perforative ulcer, duodenoplastic and a drainage of an abdominal cavity 30 (40 %), a laparoscopy, sanitation, take in of a perforative ulcer, duodenoplastic and a drainage of an abdominal cavity from mini access 25 (30 %).
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Н.Р. Рахметов, В.Г. Лубянский, Е.М. Асылбеков, Н.Б. Омаров Малоинвазивные эндохирургические методы лечения перфоративной язвы двенадцатиперстной кишки. //НАУКА И ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 5. С. 142-143 N.R. Rakhmetov, V.G. Lubyansky, E.M. Asylbekov, N.B. Omarov Mini-invasive endosurgical methods of treatment of a perforative ulcer of duodenum. // NAUKA I ZDRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 5. С. 142-143 Н.Р. Рахметов, В.Г. Лубянский, Е.М. Асылбеков, Н.Б. Омаров Ұлтабардың перфоративті ойық жарасын кіші инвазивті зндохирургиялық емдеу әдістері. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 5. С. 142-143

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