Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease-2019) - an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. According to the WHO, as of September 21, 2021, 228 807 631 cases were confirmed, 4,697,099 deaths. In this regard, the issue of timely diagnosis of COVID-associated pneumonia remains urgent. The “gold standard” for the diagnosis of which is computed tomography (CT). Under the pandemic conditions, the load on CT devices increased exponentially. It is necessary to look for alternative solutions for radiological assessment of lung damage. Standard chest radiography, in comparison with computed tomography, is an inexpensive method available at the patient's bedside and has low radiation exposure. Aim: To analyze various methods for assessing the severity of lung lesions on radiographs in patients with COVID-19 by studying articles in English in the database PubMed, Google Scholar. Search strategy: The selection of articles was carried out in the electronic databases of PubMed, Google Scholar. A total of 843 articles were found, of which 17 articles were included in the review by selection in two stages. Inclusion criteria: 1. Randomized controlled trials, cohort studies. 2. The time period is 2019-2021. 3. Articles with free full text. Exclusion criteria: descriptions of clinical cases, studies of a series of clinical cases, systematic reviews. Results: All investigated methods for assessing the severity of lung damage on radiographs can be applied in practice, since the use of these techniques has proven their significance. However, for each level of care, it is more appropriate to use certain techniques proposed by various authors. At the level of primary health care and emergency care, the most applicable methods are: RALE, Tussieet. al., Hyunjoong W. Kim et. al., method proposed by the British Thoracic Imaging Society. While Brixia methods are better used in stationary conditions, the Modified Evaluation System, "Pennie score," an adapted method by Feng et al., COX-RADS.
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Category of articles: COVID-19 - Topical Subject

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Madiyeva M.R., Bukenova A.M., Bekturganov N.B., Kuanysheva A.G., Rakhimbekov A.V. Methods for assessing severity of lung lesion on radiographs in COVID-19: literature review // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 5, pp. 13-22. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.5.002

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