Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. From the perspective of biochemistry, honey is the multi-component solution with the unique healing properties. The application of medical honey preparations in clinical medicine, particularly for skin disorders and wound healing, might be attributed to the antimicrobial activity of honey. Objective. The current review's objective is to describe the data that currently exists for the antibacterial properties of certain phytochemicals found in honey. Search strategy: The following databases were searched for sources: Pubmed, ResearchGate, Cyberleninka, and eLibrary. Research on humans and animals, primary studies (descriptive and analytical studies, clinical trials), secondary studies (systematic reviews and meta-analyses), instructional manuals, clinical guidelines and protocols, and full-text publications in both Russian and English were the inclusion criteria. Results and Conclusion. The antibacterial properties of honey can be explained by some physical and chemical parameters such as its high osmolarity, acidity (pH 3.4-6.1), hydrogen peroxide activity, high concentration of sugar. There is the growing evidence that the antimicrobial characteristics of honey are strongly associated with the content of the different minor components including bee defensin-1, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Methylglyoxal contained in Manuka honey of New Zealand origin is one of the most investigated phytochemicals in that light. However, the antibacterial activity of other honey constituents against the Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms is the meaningful aim of multiple studies.
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Category of articles: Reviews

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