Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Author(s): Akkaliyev M.N.

Introduction. Acute inflammatory diseases of the scrotum organs is a common disease among patients with a urological profile and cause hospitalization of 4-5% of all urological patients. Untimely or inadequate treatment of acute orchiepididymitis can lead to suppuration of the organ, which is fraught with the loss of an important reproductive organ, or the timing of the process.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the literature on the nature of morbidity, etiological aspects, diagnosis and treatment methods for acute orchoepididymitis, in foreign and in Kazakhstan.

Materials and methods: To achieve this goal, we searched for scientific publications in databases of evidence-based medicine (PubMed, Cochrane Library, ResearchGate). Inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system are a dynamically researched area of medicine, so it was decided to study the most recent studies in 15 years. 112 publications on the topic of acute orchiepididymitis were found in the indicated bases, of which 55 research publications meet the goals of our study. At the beginning of the study, the following search filters were determined: scientific research done in the last 10 years, published in English and Russian, as well as full versions of the articles. Preference was given to studies of high methodological quality (meta-analyzes, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and cohort studies [8], in the absence of which, publication of the results of case-control studies  and cross-sectional studies was also taken into account. Criteria for excluding publications in Review are to be report summaries, newspaper publications and personal messages.

Results and discussion: Acute orhoepididymitis is a polyethiological disease. Data on the significance of bacterial infection in orchites and epididymitis are extremely controversial. At present, a valuable diagnostic method, along with physical research, is ultrasound with color Doppler mapping. However, despite the high information content, ultrasound does not always allow us to establish the stage of the inflammatory process. The generally accepted method for today is conservative-expectant tactics. The European Association of Urologists recommends fluoroquinolone for the treatment of acute orchiepididymitis as antibiotics of choice.

Conclusion: To date, the optimal plan for the diagnosis of acute epididymoortitis has not been clearly formulated. Among specialists dealing with this issue, there is no uniform idea of the methods of treatment (conservative or operative) of this pathology. Therefore, the development of an optimized program for the examination and treatment of patients with acute epididymorchitis remains an urgent topic of modern urology and needs further study.

Merchat N. Akkaliyev,

Semey State Medical University,

Department of Surgery and Traumatology,

Semey c., Kazakhstan

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Bibliography link

Akkaliyev M.N. Acute orcoepididymitis: modern aspects of etiology, diagnosis and treatment. Review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 2, pp. 159-175.

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