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Introduction. Features of the metabolism of most substances in the body are determined by a complex system of enzymatic reactions. Research results in the art can justify the criteria of individual risk prognosis of occupational diseases and the so-called "ecologically production or due to pathology," more versatile and given reason conduct prevention, medical monitoring of workers, professional orientation to solve the issues of rational employment of persons with specific genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of the organism.

Objective: To conduct analysis of the hereditary polymorphism on the complex biological systems at the same time determining the activity or level of enzyme and other proteins and glycoproteins which play a direct role in the development of inflammatory and destructive processes, as well as the evaluation neuro-endocrine system, as the main factor the genotype and the regulation of the main the vital functions among workers in an unfavorable production environment.

Methods: Clinical and immunological, experimental, prospective study of 415 workers from the plant refractories diagnosis of occupational diseases of broncho-pulmonary system. Biochemical and genetic studies were carried among patients broncho-pulmonary diseases unprofessional genesis in comparative terms. The control group – 250 generally healthy persons without occupational contact, as well as chronic and acute diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. In complex of parameters were included protein systems, which play an important role in the pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. The workers on survey have informed consent.

Results: presented in the work data indicates that the blood genetic markers can be used to predict chance of developing an individual CLD in workers conditions in industrial dust impacts, along with other risk factors and resistance. Their value is not equivalent as applied to individual indicators, and in relation different nosologic forms CLD. This is considering the significant lability of immunological reactivity is a need for a differentiated use of immunological markers in predicting the probability of formation of CLD at industrial dust action.

Conclusions: 1. Results of complex hygienic, experimental, clinical, physiological and genetic studies allow us to confidently consider chronic dust lung disease as multifactorial, in the formation which take part not only the industrial dust, but also a variety of endogenous and genetic factors. 2. System analysis of the data is a scientific justification new genetic concept of primary prevention occupational diseases and can be used in a variety of clinical conditions.

Boris B. Fishman 1,

Talgat N. Khaibullin 2,

Svetlana N. Myakisheva 1,3,


1 Novgorod State University of a name of Jaroslav Mudry, Veliky Novgorod, Russia

2 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan

1,3 Management of Federal service on supervision in sphere of protection of the rights of consumers and well-being of the person on Saint-Petersburg, St-Petersburg, Russia.


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Bibliography link

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