Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Zhanar A. Dostanova1, Lyudmila S. Yermukhanova1, Zaure A. Baigozhina2, Maiya K. Taushanova1, Gulnar D. Sultanova1, Meruyert B. Kurganbekova1, 0000-0002-3739-2365 Beket E. Yerezhepov3, 1 West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov medical university, Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan. 2 Astana Medical University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. 3 Atyrau regional children's hospital, Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Introduction. Since 2017, an independent professional nursing practice has been introduced in Kazakhstan, focusing on the best international experience, involving the implementation of independent nursing reception and delegation of a number of medical functions to them. [8-10]. In connection with the introduction of a new model of nursing service, there is a need to assess the quality of the activities of advanced practice nurses. Undoubtedly, patient satisfaction with medical care is one of the indicators of its quality. According to this, the assessment of patients' satisfaction with nurse independent appointment at the primary health care level is becoming increasingly relevant [14-16]. Aim. Develop, test and evaluate the reliability of a questionnaire aimed at studying the opinion of patients' satisfaction with nurse independent appointment at the primary health care level. Materials and methods. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of a systematic review of the literature in the databases of medical publications. Validation of the questionnaire included several stages: development, translation and linguistic adaptation, examination, pilot testing, correction and formation of the final version. The determination of the reliability of the questionnaire was based on an assessment of internal consistency, which was calculated based on the calculation of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results. Summing up the results of all the stages of linguistic adaptation of the questionnaire, there were no special differences in the translated versions of the questionnaire. Minor adjustments were made to the wording of the questions and their answers for easy understanding of the questions. 50 patients participated in the pilot survey. Internal consistency was calculated and established using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for each area of study, except for demographic indicators. The value of the Cronbach's alpha reliability criterion for the questionnaire questions was at least 0.7. Conclusions. The developed and tested new original questionnaire (modified version) "Studying the opinion of patients' satisfaction with nurse independent appointment at the primary health care level" demonstrated sufficient indicators of reliability and internal consistency. This ensures the reliability and convenience of its use for assessing the opinion of patients' satisfaction with nurse independent appointment and allows us to recommend its use in scientific nursing research and in clinical practice.
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Dostanova Zh.A., Yermukhanova L.S., Baigozhina Z.A., Taushanova M.K., Sultanova G.D., Kurganbekova M.B., Yerezhepov B.E. Development and validation of a questionnaire for patients "Studying the opinion of patients' satisfaction with nurse independent appointment at the level of primary health care" // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 5, pp. 151-157. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.5.020

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