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The features of multidisciplinary management of stroke patients with pain and increased muscular tone are revealed. The reasons, risk factors, diagnostics and therapy of pain syndromes are discussed. The characteristic of main types of a muscular spasticity of stroke patients and the purposes of rehabilitation at each of them is provided. Physical and medicine methods of rehabilitation and features of various techniques of physiotherapy, such as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and Bobath concept are discussed in details.
Elmira O. Amanova 1, Vitalii V. Kovalchuk 2,3, Timur I. Minnullin 3, Talgat N. Khaibullin 4, 1 International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan; 2 Center for medical rehabilitation SPB PHI “N.A. Semashko city hospital №38”, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 3 Saint Petersburg state university, Medical faculty, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 4 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
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