Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The research dedicated to study of components, base ways and method of forming stress stable in patients with borderline neuro-psychiatric disorders. We examined 65 patients of them women - 48 (73.9 %), 17 men (26.1%) were observed in the dynamics during the therapy. Installation of socio- psychological training is important for increasing stress stable. As a result of a differentiated, integrated psychotherapy positive clinic dynamics observed in the mental state of patients, the disappearance or significant reduction in the intensity of patients' complaints , the mobilization of hidden resources, decreased level of situational and personal anxiety.
A.A. Almagambetova, L.K. Tusupbaeva, A.B. Djumakova, G.K. Burahanova, D.O. Tashmagambetova Semey State Medical University, OSCC "Mental Health Center" of Semey city, Citi Hospital №16 of Almaty
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А.А. Алмагамбетова1, Л.К. Тусупбаева2, А.Б. Джумакова2, Г.К. Бураханова2, Д.О. Ташмаганбетова3 ПСИХОЛОГО-ПСИХИАТРИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ СТРЕССОУСТОЙЧИВОСТИ ПРИ ПОГРАНИЧНЫХ НЕРВНО-ПСИХИЧЕСКИХ РАССТРОЙСТВАХ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 2. С. 96-100 A.A. Almagambetova, L.K. Tusupbaeva, A.B. Djumakova, G.K. Burahanova, D.O. Tashmagambetova PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS OF STRESS IN BORDERLINE NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 2. С. 96-100 А.А. Алмагамбетова, Л.К. Тусупбаева, А.Б. Джумакова, Г.К. Бураханова, Д.О. Ташмаганбетова ШЕКАРАЛЫҚ ЖҮЙКЕ-ПСИХИКАЛЫҚ БҰЗЫЛЫСТАРЫ КЕЗІНДЕГІ СТРЕССТҰРАҚТЫЛЫҚТЫҢ ПСИХОЛОГ-ПСИХИАТРИЯЛЫҚ АСПЕКТІЛЕРІ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 2. С. 96-100

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