Introduction. At present, an infection caused by the hepatitis C virus is common among HIV-infected patients. The rapid growth of drug addiction, sexual path of infection, affected by HIV and HCV young people, low efficiency of treatment and lack of specific means of prevention put this pathology to one of the first places in the modern infectology.

Aim of research: to study features of chronic viral hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients, depending on the tract infection.

Methods. Design of Study: open, non-randomized, prospective. A total of 58 HIV-infected patients with chronic viral hepatitis C who were in the dispensary at Karaganda Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS. The diagnosis of HIV infection was verified by immune blotting. Etiological hepatitis verification was performed by enzyme immunoassay and PCR.

Results. We present the clinical and laboratory results of HIV-infected patients with chronic viral hepatitis C, depending on the tract infection. Patients infected with sexually transmitted disease is asymptomatic. Among injecting drug users was more showed clinical symptoms and moderate level of activity of the infectious process.

Conclusion. These clinical and laboratory findings suggest that the characteristics of the course of chronic viral hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients depends on the tract infection.

B. N. Kosherova, N. Ye. Sarsekeyeva

Karaganda state medical university, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

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8. Limketkai B. et al. Relationship of liver disease stage and antiviral therapy with liver-related events and death in adults coinfected with HIV/HCV. JAMA. 2012, 308, pp. 370-378.
9. Lu L. et al. Hepatitis C virus genotype distribution in China: predominance of closely related subtype 1b isolates and existence of new genotype 6 variants. J Med Virol. 2005, 75, pp. 538-549.
10. Maida I. et al. Liver enzyme elevation in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-HIV-coinfected patients prior to and after initiating HAART: role of HCV genotypes. AIDS. 2006, 22, pp. 139-143.
11. Murphy D. et al. Use of sequence analysis of the NS5B region for routine genotyping of hepatitis C virus with reference to C/E1 and 5′untranslated region sequences. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2007, 45, pp. 1102-1112.
12. Simmonds P. et al. Consensus proposals for a unified system of nomenclature of hepatitis C virus genotypes. Hepatology. 2005, 42, pp. 962-973.
13. Sogni P. et al. Management of cirrhosis complications in HIV patients coinfected with hepatitis В or С virus. La Presse Medicaid. 2005, 20(34), pp. 1579-1583.
14. Soriano V. et al. Care of patients coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C virus: 2007 updated recommendations from the HCV-HIV International Pane. AIDS. 2007, 21, pp. 1073-1089.
15. Sulkowski M. Viral hepatitis and HIV coinfection. Hepatology. 2008, 48, pp. 353-367.
16. Sulkowski M. Management of acute and chronic HCV infection in persons with HIV coinfection. Hepatology. 2014, 61, pp. 108-119.
17. Torti C. et al. Influence of genotype 3 hepatitis C coinfection on liver enzyme elevation in HIV-1-positive patients after commencement of a new highly active antiretroviral regimen: results from the EPOKA-MASTER Cohort. AIDS. 2006, 41, pp. 180-185.
18. van der Helm J. et al. Effect of HCV infection on cause-specific mortality after HIV seroconversion, before and after 1997. Gastroenterology. 2013, 144, pp. 751-760.
19. Verucchi G. et al. Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus coinfection: epidemiology, natural history, therapeutic options and clinical management. Infection. 2004, 32, pp. 33-46.
20. Wandeler G. et al. Hepatitis C virus infections in the swiss HIV cohort study: a rapidly evolving epidemic. Clin Infect Dis. 2012, 55, pp. 1408-1416.

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Kosherova B. N., Sarsekeyeva N. Ye. Features of chronic viral hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients, depending on the tract infection. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 4, pp. 70-76.

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