Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Objective. To analyze of innovative activity of the National Medical Holding (hereinafter - Holding) in 2011-2014.

Methods. For this analysis were used data reports from the 6 subsidiaries of Holding.

Results. The implementation of innovative technology (IT) has almost doubled in Holding over the analyzed years. There is also increased the number of research programs and innovation acts. From them 63.3% of IT were obtained in a result of educational activities. Transfer in regions of the Republic Kazakhstan of the IT is carried out via Telemedicine, providing Tertiary care to patients from the regions, Sanitary aviation, visiting Master classes / Workshops. The clinics at Holding carry out almost all unique technologies approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Conclusion. To create a holistic innovation infrastructure need to intensify the Holding development and implementation of IT based on the results of their own research activity with subsequent commercialization.

Kenneth Alibek, N. B. Tabynbayev, K. P. Oshakbayev,

S. B. Aitbay, S. Amankeldykyzy

JSC «National medical holding», Astana, Kazakhstan

JSC «National research center of oncology and transplantology», Astana, Kazakhstan

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5.         Di Norcia V. Intellectual property and the commercialization of research and development. Sci Eng Ethics. 2005;11(2):203-19.
6.         Farsi J. Y., Talebi K. Application of Knowledge Management for Research Commercialization. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009;49:451-455.
7.         Block F., Keller M. Wh ere do innovations come from? Transformations in the U.S. national innovation system, 1970–2006 (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, July 2008); pp. 2–3 ( )
8.         Pomeroy C., Rice A., McGowan W., Osburn N. Linking academic and clinical missions: UC Davis' integrated AHC. Acad Med. 2008;83(9):809-815.
9.         Rogers D. S., Lambert D. M., Knemeyer A. M. The Product Development and Commercialization Process", The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2004;15(1):43-56.
10.     Sabeti H., Kahn M.J., Sachs B.P. The "For-Benefit" Academic Medical Center: A Solution for Survival. Acad Med. 2015; 90(5):599-602
11.     Salge T. O. & Vera A. Benefiting from Public Sector Innovation: The Moderating Role of Customer and Learning Orientation, Public Administration Review, 2012; 72(4):550-560.
Yu H. On academic health system. J Evid Based Med. 2013;6(2):71-73
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Kenneth Alibek, Tabynbayev N. B., Oshakbayev K. P., Aitbay S. B., Amankeldykyzy S. Innovative activity of National Medical Holding in 2011-2014: status, problems and prospects. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 4, pp. 106-115.

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