Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Training in a medical university is associated with a tense adaptation, which leads to a change in the mental status of students. This may result in vulnerability to addictions and the possible development of dependent behavior. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of the addiction risk in students of the Semey State Medical University of (SSMU), as well as in the context of interrelated socio-psychological factors. Materials and methods: A one-stage cross-sectional evaluation was carried out using a questionnaire of 643 first-year students of the Semey State Medical University. The sample was non-random. Sociological, psychometric and statistical methods were used. As assessment tools, the Beck scale, the Peikel’ suicide rate scale and the Lozovoy questionnaire were applied. The statistical method included descriptive statistics with the calculation of mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, and frequencies for qualitative variables. Comparative statistics are carried out using the contingency tables. Correlation analysis is carried out using the Spearman coefficient calculation. Logistic regression is used to assess the impact of socio-psychological factors on the risk of addiction development. Results: The characteristics of the demographic profile of students are given. 14% of the respondents reported symptoms of depression. Differences in depressive symptoms between girls and boys are not observed. Signs of addictive predisposition are revealed in relation to both behavioral and chemical dependencies. The following were mostly observed in behavioral addictions: dependence on healthy lifestile (81%), love (66.8%), food (62.2%) and religious dependence (61.9%). Vulnerability to alcohol disease was at 2.3%, for drug addiction - 2.6%. The relationships of certain dependencies and the gender of the respondents were found. Within the framework of the regression analysis, specific predictors were identified related to dependency risks. Conclusions: It is necessary to strengthen screening activities and introduce intervention technologies to prevent specific risks of addictions, as well as in the context of key interrelated factors among students of medical universities.
Gulzan K. Altybaeva 1, Nargul N. Ospanova 1, Timur M. Moldagaliyev 1, Zhannat Zh. Sarsembina 1, Nursultan Zh. Seksenbayev 1, Svetlana V. Dokenova 1 1 Chair of Psychiatry and Narcology, Semey State Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
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13. Austic E., McCabe S.E., Stoddard S.A., Ngo Q.E., Boyd C. Age and Cohort Patterns of Medical and Nonmedical Use of Controlled Medication Among Adolescents. J Addict Med. 2015. №9(5). Р. 376-382.
14. Ayala E.E., Roseman D., Winseman J.S., Mason H.R.C. Prevalence, perceptions, and consequences of substance use in medical students. Med Educ Online. 2017. № 22(1). Р.1392824.
15. Georgie J.M., Sean H., Deborah M.C., Matthew H., Rona C. Peer-led interventions to prevent tobacco, alcohol and/or drug use among young people aged 11-21 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction. 2016. №111(3). Р.391-407.
16. Ho R.C., Zhang M.W., Tsang T.Y., Toh A.H., Pan F., Lu Y., Cheng C., Yip P.S., Lam L.T., Lai C.M., Watanabe H., Mak K.K.. The association between internet addiction and psychiatric co-morbidity: a meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. 2014. №14. Р. 183.
17. Moon S.J., Hwang J.S., Kim J.Y., Shin A.L., Bae S.M., Kim J.W. Psychometric Properties of the Internet Addiction Test: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2018 №21(8). Р.473-484.
18. Roncero C., Egido A., Rodríguez-Cintas L., Pérez-Pazos J., Collazos F., Casas M. Substance Use among Medical Students: A Literature Review 1988- 2013. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2015. №43(3). Р.109-121.
19. Trostler M., Li Y., Plankey M.W. Prevalence of binge drinking and associated co-factors among medical students in a U.S. Jesuit University. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2014. №40(4). Р.336–337.
20. Zhang M.W., Lim R.B., Lee C., Ho R.C.M. Prevalence of Internet Addiction in Medical Students: a Meta-analysis. Acad Psychiatry. 2018. №42(1). Р.88-93.

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