Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In the paper we have presented results of bacteriological investigation of sputum and analysis of sensitivity for the main inducers of community acquired pneumonia in the patients of pulmonology department. It was described the causes of antibiotic resistance and modern methods of combination antibiotic treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
1A.S. Sarsekeeva, 2 A.N. Zhumagalieva, 3 M.YU. Frolova, 2 L.M. Pivina, 1 E.B. Bogachev, 2 J.M. Urazalin, 2 G.B. Batenova 1Municipal Emergency Hospital; 2 Semey State Medical University; 3 Primary health care №6, Semey
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1 А.С. Сарсекеева, 2 А.Н. Жумагалиева, 3 М.Ю. Фролова, 2 Л.М. Пивина, 1 Е.Б. Богачев, 2 Ж.М. Уразалина, 2 Г.Б. Батенова ПРОБЛЕМА АНТИБИОТИКОРЕЗИСТЕНТНОСТИ ОСНОВНЫХ ВОЗБУДИТЕЛЕЙ ВНЕБОЛЬНИЧНОЙ ПНЕВМОНИИ И ПУТИ ЕЕ ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЯ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 1. С. 57-59 1A.S. Sarsekeeva, 2 A.N. Zhumagalieva, 3 M.YU. Frolova, 2 L.M. Pivina, 1 E.B. Bogachev, 2 J.M. Urazalin, 2 G.B. Batenova PROBLEM OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE OF THE MAIN INDUCERS OF COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA AND THE WAY OF ITS OVERCOMING // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 1. С. 57-59 1А.С. Сарсекеева, 2А.Н. Жумагалиева, 3М.Ю. Фролова,2Л.М. Пивина, 1 Е.Б. Богачев, 2 Ж.М. Уразалина, 2 Г.Б. Батенова АУРУХАНАДАН ТЫС ПНЕВМОНИЯНЫ НЕГІЗГІ ҚОЗДЫРУШЫЛАРДЫҢ АНТИБИОТИККЕ ТӨЗІМДІЛІГІНІҢ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ ЖӘНЕ ОНЫ ЖЕҢУ ЖОЛДАРЫ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 1. С. 57-59

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