Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Health impact assessment is «a combination of procedures, methods and tools by which a policy, program or project can be judged in terms of its potential impacts on public health and the distribution of impacts on the population». The nature of the methodology creates a favorable environment for the growth of intersectoral collaboration. Aim. Studying the fundamentals of the HIA methodology and its role in facilitating capacity development in intersectoral collaboration. Search strategy. Literature review of the works of domestic and foreign researchers, Russian and English databases of scientific publications, as well as gray literature. The search keywords were «HIA and…»: «intersectoral», «cooperation», «interagency», «interaction» in various sequence combinations. Inclusion and exclusion criteria took into account the topical relevance of the content. Results. HIA has been one of the key elements in the implementation of such international programs as «Health in all strategies», «Healthy cities» and «Sustainable Development Goals» and continues to develop, adapting to new conditions and goals. The methodology implies a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to the development of recommendations for decision makers. Conclusions. The HIA world practice shows the importance of its contribution to the development of intersectoral collaboration, creating a platform for dialogue and understanding between the branches of government, society and the private sector. Further exploration of the possibilities of HIA is recommended.
Zhan S. Kalel1, Altyn M. Aringazina1, Gabriel Gulis2, 1 Caspian University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark.
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Kalel Zh.S., Aringazina A.M., Gulis G. Health impact assessment as a tool for the development of intersectoral cooperation in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 6, pp. 187-194. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.6.023

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