Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: In accordance with the state policy in the field of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Healthy Nation program, the priority direction for the development of healthcare is the formation of a modern system of epidemiological forecasting and response, as well as epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases. One of the areas of epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases is the infection control of dental clinics. As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, it has affected all areas of activity, including dental care. During the pandemic, dental care, for objective reasons, could not be completely suspended. Work in this difficult time has shown the shortcomings of organizational, legislative and executive measures to comply with infection control in dentistry. The main reason for the need for strict infection control in dentistry is the regular contact of doctors with sharp instruments that work at a sufficiently high speed in the mouth, and come into contact with the saliva and blood of patients, so dentists are at increased risk of contracting infectious diseases such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV and COVID-19. The purpose of the study: To study and evaluate the awareness of medical personnel on infection control and infection safety in the provision of dental care. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study. The research was carried out in dental institutions of the East Kazakhstan region and the Abai region (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Zaisan, Ayaguz, Kurchum, Semey military hospital). Object of study: medical workers of all specialties (doctors, nurses and junior medical personnel) from 11 dental clinics and offices. The sample consisted of 100 medical workers of dental clinics and offices. The survey was conducted online using the Google Questionnaire platform and offline. For statistical analysis of qualitative data, Pearson's Chi 2 test and Fisher's test were used using the IBM SPSS 20.0 program. The results were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Results: More than 1/3 of the surveyed medical workers consider their knowledge of infectious diseases insufficient and did not receive proper training in the field of infection control and safety. At the same time, but differences were found by gender and work experience. Every 4th out of 5 medical workers received an injury during the provision of dental services (wounds, scratches, punctures) in the last 6 months. Many doctors are not interested in the patient about his infectious status. And despite the likelihood of infection, 65 (65%) respondents will not be able to refuse treatment to a patient, even if they are known to have an infectious disease. At the same time, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for the prevention of infection is not sufficient. Conclusions: As a result of the study, an insufficient level of knowledge of medical workers in dental clinics about infection safety and infection control was established, which can lead to an increase in the risk of contracting infectious diseases. It is necessary to conduct periodic monitoring of knowledge and training, education on infection safety and infection control.
Zhanna Zh. Tolegenova1, Sholpan E. Tokanova1, Assel Zh. Baibussinova1, Zhanar М. Zhumanbayeva1, Nurzhanat B. Khaidarova1, Altynay М. Dosbayeva1, Assel М. Iskakova1, Kuralay Е. Kalikhanova1, 1 NJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Tolegenova Zh.Zh., Tokanova Sh.E., Baibussinova A.Zh., Zhumanbayeva Zh.М., Khaidarova N.B., Dosbayeva A.М., Iskakova A.М., Kalikhanova K.Е.Study and assessment of informed medical personnel on questions of infection control and infection safety in dental care // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 2, pp. 150-159. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.2.021

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