Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
According to WHO, pneumonia kills more children than any other infectious disease, annually claiming the lives of more than 700,000 children under the age of five, or about 2,000 every day. This includes more than 200,000 newborns. Almost all of these deaths can be prevented [20]. Vitamin D, which is formed in tissues, is responsible for many immunomodulatory actions of vitamin D. The effects of vitamin D in the lungs include increased secretion of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin, decreased production of chemokines, inhibition of activation of dendritic cells and changes in T cells [5]. Objective: The study was aimed at determining the concentration of vitamin D in the blood serum of premature newborns with congenital pneumonia and assessing their respiratory status. Materials and methods: case - control. The study was conducted on the basis of the Regional Perinatal Center of Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan. The study included premature newborns in the number of 228 children. Informational consents were received from mothers of newborns to participate in the study. The mothers were informed about the processing of the received data, with the subsequent publication of the research results, without specifying personal data. Inclusion criteria: premature newborns (gestation period from 22 weeks to 37 weeks). Exclusion criteria: children with malformations, genetic diseases, full-term newborns. The data analysis was carried out using the SPSS package version 20.0. To check the statistical significance of the differences between the group of "cases" and "controls", the Pearson criterion χ2 is used, and the odds ratio is calculated taking into account the 95% confidence interval. Continuous data is presented in the form of (M) and standard deviation (CO). Results: We report on the seasonality of preterm labor, antenatal steroid prevention, vitamin D levels, the time of occurrence of congenital pneumonia, the duration of respiratory support: IVL, ventilator, nasal cannulas, the frequency of surfactant replacement therapy techniques, as well as the average stay of patients in the intensive care unit in groups with congenital pneumonia and without congenital pneumonia of premature newborns. Conclusion: Thus, according to the results of our study, a low concentration of vitamin D in the blood serum may be largely associated with neonatal pneumonia.
Gulnarа B. Taiorazova1, Aliya R. Alimbaeva1, Sayat Z. Tanatarov1, Nazym М. Ailbayeva1, Danara М. Imanmadiyeva1, Dinara О. Ahmetzhanova1, Manshuk N. Nazarbekova1, Yernar Ye. Dairbekov1, Arailym A. Kapanova1, Duman Berikuly1, Dinara Zh. Sabitova1, Yuri F. Lobanov2, 1 NJSC Semey Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Altai State Medical University, Barnaul, Russian Federation.
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Taiorazova G.B., Alimbaeva A.R., Tanatarov S.Z., Ailbayeva N.М., Imanmadiyeva D.М., Ahmetzhanova D.О., Nazarbekova M.N., Dairbekov Ye.Ye., Kapanova A.A., Berikuly D., Sabitova D.Zh., Lobanov Yu.F. Clinical and prognostic features of the respiratory status of congenital pneumonia in premature newborns with vitamin D deficiency // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 3, pp. 144-151. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.3.019

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