Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background. The primary focus of the clinical diagnostic laboratory is to ensure the attainment of high-quality results for patient laboratory analyses. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of employing quality indicators during the preanalytical phase in the "NROC LLP" laboratory through a comparative analysis of the first and second quarters of 2022. By examining this aspect, valuable insights can be gained to enhance the overall efficiency and reliability of laboratory procedures. Results. The preanalytical phase encompasses a complex set of processes and actions that occur from the moment laboratory tests are prescribed to the initiation of analytical measurements (such as sample loading into analyzers, etc.). This stage involves not only laboratory staff but also the entire medical personnel of the departments. By implementing quality indicators during the preanalytical phase, the functioning of the procedural unit, blood sampling techniques, and proficiency in handling documentation can be assessed. Additionally, this study shed light on the organization of work within the laboratory during this stage. The research methods employed were derived from "Quality Indicators in Laboratory Medicine" proposed by the IFCC Working Group under the guidance of M. Plebani, as well as the current regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conclusions. Based on our research, quality indicators tend to improve when regular work is conducted with laboratory staff and the average medical personnel of our Center. Quality performance during this stage enables accurate diagnosis and facilitates appropriate patient treatment.
Nazym M. Yelemessova1, Gulzhan R. Kerimbekova1, Zaukiya K. Khamitova1, Akmaral K. Mussakhanova2, 1 National Research Oncology Center, the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 National Medical University Astana, Department of Public Health and Management, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Yelemessova N.M., Kerimbekova G.R., Khamitova Z.K., Mussakhanova A.K. Analysis of Quality Indicators in the Preanalytical Phase of Laboratory Diagnostics at the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory of the “National Research Oncology Center”, Astana, Kazakhstan // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 3, pp. 80-85. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.3.010

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