Introduction. Chronic apical periodontitis is one of the major problems in pediatric endodontics, resulting in delayed development and root formation of permanent teeth. Apexification is an important treatment for immature permanent teeth with open apex.
Aim: Literature analysis on the issue of calcium hydroxide, MTA and Biodentine effectiveness in the clinical and radiological success of apexification of necrotic immature permanent teeth.
Search strategy. The search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, eLibrary, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, Research Gate: randomized controlled trials, prospective and retrospective studies in English and Russian, dated 2012 - 2022. Key words were used for the following sections: pathology: "apical periodontitis", "immature permanent teeth"; treatment: "apexification"; medicaments: "calcium hydroxide", "MTA", "Biodentine"; studies: "randomized controlled trial". A total of 7 full-text studies were included in the analysis.
Results. Literature analysis revealed that Biodentine is the most effective according to clinical and radiological results. It reduces the number of patients’ visits up to one visit. It has the best performance characteristics, as well as setting time is about 12 minutes. As a result, one-stage root canal obturation is possible. MTA has less favorable outcomes, causing staining of tooth enamel. However, the presence of MTA modifications like white MTA diminished these shortcomings. Calcium hydroxide is a reasonable and quite effective solution for apexification. To this day, calcium hydroxide is widely used both abroad and in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Conclusions. Between three apexification materials presented, Biodentine and MTA are the most clinically and radiologically effective materials. Calcium hydroxide remains as the drug of choice, although it has several disadvantages.
Madina A. Kurmanalina1, Aigul M. Sumanova2,
Violetta R. Detochkina2, Zhanara A. Shabanbayeva2,
1 NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University», Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan;
2 NJSC «Astana Medical University». Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Kurmanalina M.A., Sumanova A.M., Detochkina V.R., Shabanbayeva Zh.A. Comparative analysis of calcium hydroxide, MTA and Biodentine in formation an apical barrier in immature permanent teeth with chronic apical periodontitis // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 4, pp. 258-269. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.4.031Related publications: