Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. The quality of life (QoL) of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) can be significantly impaired due to various factors. It is by establishing significant predictors and etiological factors of the disease that one can choose the correct tactics for treating and rehabilitating patients, and thereby improve the quality of life of patients. Purpose of the study. To study the quality of life of patients with acute pancreatitis depending on the medical, social and psychological characteristics of patients. Materials and methods: The study design was a prospective cross-sectional study. A sociological survey was conducted among 157 patients with various forms of AP treated in the surgical department of the University Hospital of Semey Medical University in the period from 2022 to 2023. To determine medical and social characteristics, a developed questionnaire for patients with pancreatitis was used. The quality of life of patients was studied using the adapted SF-36 questionnaire. To study depression, anxiety and adherence to treatment in patients with acute pancreatitis, adapted standardized questionnaires were used (Beck Depression Scale, Spielberg-Hanin questionnaire, Compliance Level questionnaire). Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS software version 20.0, when p<0.05 the results were considered statistically significant Results. In patients with AP, low quality of life scores were found on the scales “role physical functioning” - 40.73 (±38.21), “role emotional functioning” - 44.11 (±39.6), which correspond to a level of comfort below average. Significant decreases in both the physical and psychological components of health have been established, as well as the influence on certain criteria of quality of life of gender, age composition, social status, level of education, the presence of bad habits, concomitant diseases and psychological status. Conclusions: The quality of life of patients with AP is below average. Being female, incomplete secondary and secondary education, retirement age, disability, unemployment, alcohol consumption, the presence of concomitant fatty hepatosis, cholelithiasis, obesity, gastritis with duodenogastric reflux, depression, anxiety and non-compliance with treatment significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. with OP.
Askar Zh. Akhmetov1, Tolkyn A. Bulegenov1, Meirbek Zh. Aimagambetov1, Nazarbek B. Omarov1, Vladimir B. Kolyado2, Assel Zh. Baibussinova1, Aldiyar E. Masalov1, Samatbek T. Abdrakhmanov1, Medet A. Auenov1, 1 NCJSC "Semey Medical University" Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 FSBEI of HE "Altai State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russian Federation.
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Akhmetov A.Zh., Bulegenov T.A., Aimagambetov M.Zh., Omarov N.B., Kolyado V.B., Baibussinova A.Zh., Masalov A.E., Abdrakhmanov S.T., Auenov M.A. Medical – social, psychological aspects quality of life of patients with acute pancreatitis // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (2), pp. 36-44. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.2.005

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