Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background: Breast cancer is a major public health problem and one of the leading causes of cancer deaths among women worldwide, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. Early detection significantly reduces mortality because breast cancer detected at early stages has a better prognosis. Lack of knowledge or incorrect knowledge about mammography and mammography screening recommendations can hinder adherence to recommendations and is an important barrier to breast cancer screening. Aim: to identify barriers to breast cancer screening among the population of the East Kazakhstan region. Methodology: The cross-sectional study was conducted among 767 women in the East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Statistical analysis was conducted using the program StatTech v. 4.1.7 (developer - StatTech LLC, Russia). Comparison of percentages in the analysis of multipole contingency tables was performed using Pearson's chi-square test. Differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Results: According to the results of the study, respondents with secondary and higher education are most aware of such breast cancer risk factors as early menstruation, severe anxiety and stress, frequent abortions, smoking, and alcohol (p=0.026). The awareness of rural women about breast cancer risk factors (p=0.027) and self examination skills was much lower than urban women (p=0.009). The results of the survey showed that 33.0% of respondents by age and 28.8% by call from their polyclinic had undergone breast cancer screening. 30.6% of respondents indicated that they needed information about the benefits of screening, 24.3% of women needed to be released from their place of work, and 13.4% of respondents chose to have a medical professional visit their workplace. Conclusion: Thus, women face simultaneous barriers to screening mammography at multiple levels. When trying to understand why women are reluctant to undergo mammography, barriers at each level, including barriers created by the patient herself, her social network, and the health care infrastructure, must be considered simultaneously. Researchers can continue to play an important role in elucidating the barriers to screening mammography, as well as addressing these barriers through interventions and policies.
Yerzat N. Aymuhambetov1, Zaituna A. Khismetova1, Nazym S. Iskakova1, Venera S. Rakhmetova2, -0001-5721-6409 Kamila M. Akhmetova2, 1 NCJSC «Semey medical university», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 NCJSC «Astana medical university», Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Category of articles: 10.34689/SH.2024.26.2.009

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Aymuhambetov Ye.N., Khismetova Z.A., Iskakova N.S., Rakhmetova V.S., Akhmetova K.M. Barriers to breast cancer screening in the population of East Kazakhstan region // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024. Vol.26 (2), pp. 68-75. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.2.009

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