Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Author(s): Ualiyeva G.E
Background. The relevance of the study is due to the high prevalence of acute respiratory infections, which pose a significant threat to public health and require effective and safe treatment methods. A study of the efficacy and safety of Gripmax Nos as a monotherapy for such infections will help determine its potential to improve clinical outcomes and reduce the burden on the healthcare system. The aim of the study: To retrospectively evaluate the efficacy and safety of monotherapy of acute respiratory infections with Gripmax Nos. in otolaryngological practice. Material and research methods. The design of the study is a retrospective study. Patient data was recorded in time intervals from the moment of the first treatment and until the second visit, which was recorded after 30 days from the date of treatment. The data recording included the results of otolaryngological medical examinations. The final database of the study included 20 patients (12 female, 8 male) aged 8 to 64 years. Sensory-analog and visual-analog scales were used to assess the dynamics of clinical manifestations of the disease. To assess the results of treatment and tolerability, the IMOS scales were used – an Integral scale for evaluating treatment results (Integrative Medicine Outcome Scale) and IMPSS – an Integral scale for evaluating patient satisfaction with treatment (Integrative Medicine Patient Satisfaction Scale). Results. According to the evaluation of the results of treatment according to the integral scale, 25% of patients were completely satisfied with the treatment, 63% were satisfied, 6% had a neutral attitude, 6% were not satisfied with the treatment. When evaluating the results of treatment, positive results were also obtained: complete recovery at the 2nd visit was noted in 19% of patients, significant improvement in 75% of patients, moderate improvement in 6% of patients. The analysis of subjective signs of the disease during treatment showed that already in the first 3-5 days of treatment there was a significant regression of the disease compared with the initial indicators of rhinoscopic parameters and clinical symptoms. Conclusions. Thus, the use of Gripmax Nos in the otolaryngological practice of treating patients with acute rhinosinusitis makes it possible to achieve pronounced positive dynamics in the regression of symptoms during the first 3-5 days from the start of therapy. And also to increase its effectiveness at the beginning of therapy on the first day of the disease and the implementation of the principles of regimen and oral rehydration. Gripmax Nos is characterized by good tolerability in the treatment of patients with acute respiratory diseases.
Gulnara E. Ualiyeva, «City Clinical Hospital of Almaty», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;
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Ualiyeva G.E. Post-marketing study of the clinical efficacy and safety of GripMax Nos in the treatment of acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2024, Vol.26 (2), pp. 89-96. doi 10.34689/SH.2024.26.2.012

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