Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: According to WHO and international experts, at the beginning of the new millennium, the problem of infectious safety of health care has acquired global proportions in all countries of the world, regardless of their level of development. The problem of combating infections associated with the provision of medical care (HCAI) is relevant in all countries of the world, that is, an increase in HCAI leads to an increase in mortality, morbidity and cost of treatment, as well as an increase in health risks for patients and medical personnel. According to medical experts, infection control was carried out, including universal precautions such as the use of protective measures and personal protective equipment to prevent the transmission of HIV and other measures, criminal methods through blood, protection of patients and healthcare workers from possible transmission of infection in medical and dental organizations. High risks of the spread of infections are a serious problem in dentistry, since dental care is the most common medical service among the population, and at the same time, the situation regarding HIV infection, hepatitis B and C continues to remain tense. Aim: Study and evaluate measures to comply with infection safety in dental organizations in accordance with regulatory documents. Materials and methods: To control the safe conduct of medical procedures, we conducted monitoring studies in dental institutions of the East Kazakhstan region and the Abay region (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Zaisan, Ayaguz, Kurchum, military hospital Semey) in order to reduce the incidence of hepatitis B and C, COVID-19 and HIV infection. The research was carried out on the basis of 11 dental institutions in the East Kazakhstan region and the Abay region from January to June 2023. Evaluation and monitoring using the assessment tool was carried out through direct observation of existing infection control practices in dental health care organizations. Results: Failure to comply with infection control and safety, sanitary and hygienic requirements, safety of medical procedures, stages of disinfection and sterilization, medical waste management, insufficient provision of disposable medical products and personal protective equipment creates a risk of transmission of bloodborne infection. Not all dental organizations understand the importance of knowledge and implementation of basic requirements and measures for the prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical dental care to the population. Conclusion: The study proves the need to strengthen measures to control infection safety in dental institutions. The average percentage of compliance with infection control criteria in dental settings was less than 50%.
Zhanna Zh. Tolegenova1, Sholpan E. Tokanova1, Assel Zh. Baibussinova1, Zhanar М. Zhumanbayeva1, Kuralay Е. Kalikhanova1, Diana M. Tokanova1, Sabina S. Sailaugalieva1, 1 NJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Tolegenova Zh.Zh., Tokanova Sh.E., Baibussinova A.Zh., Zhumanbayeva Zh.М., Kalikhanova K.Е., Tokanova D.M., Sailaugalieva S.S. Study and evaluation of measures on infectious safety of medical personnel and patients when providing dental care in accordance with regulatory documents // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 6, pp. 113-121. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.6.013

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