Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance: Despite the emergence of advanced technologies and new approaches to endodontic treatment, chronic apical periodontitis continues to be a serious problem in the field of dentistry and is a frequent cause of tooth extraction. This topical issue highlights the importance of a deep understanding of root canal morphology, which serves as an important aspect for the success of both surgical and non-surgical endodontic procedures. The aim: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of Distolingual Canals (DLC), Radix Entomolaris (RE), and Middle Mesial Canals (MMC) in Mandibular First Molars (M1M) among individuals of Kazakh nationality, using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Material and methods: A retrospective review and cross-sectional study of cone beam computed tomography images from 500 patients was conducted, focusing on those that included bilateral M1Ms. Axial sections were evaluated from the coronal to the apical regions. Only healthy, previously untreated teeth were considered in order to obtain reliable data on root canal structure. The presence or absence of DLC, MMC, and RE in M1Ms was documented. Results: Of the 500 patients, 20 (4%) exhibited a Middle Mesial Canal, 52 (10.4%) had a Distolingual Canal, and 30 (6%) presented with Radix Entomolaris. Conclusion: There is a notable prevalence of RE, MMC, and DLC in M1M among the Kazakh population. Additionally, these anatomical variations demonstrated substantial bilateral occurrence. Endodontic clinicians should be aware of these variations to avoid potential complications during endodontic procedures.
Indira M. Tulegenova1, Mayra Т. Кopbayeva1, Bakhyt А. Оmarova1, Dana M. Suleymeneva2, Anar D. Sagatbayeva1, 1 S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 NСJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Tulegenova I.M., Kopbayeva M.T., Omarova B.A., Suleymeneva D.M., Sagatbayeva A.D. Evaluation of root canal configuration of mandibular first molars in a Kazakhstan population by using cone-beam computed tomography // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 6, pp. 122-127. DOI 10.34689/SH.2023.25.6.014

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