Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. At Semey Medical University (SMU), the basis of the learning process is academic integrity, the implementation of which is ensured by compliance with the objective standards of the Academic Integrity League. Effective training at the medical university is determined by the achievement of the final learning outcomes, which are evaluated by the Final Assessment of the Discipline (FAD) distribution curves of the grades assigned to them in accordance with the normal distribution (Bell Curve). Aim and purposes. The purpose of the study was to analyze the results of the final assessment of the discipline of bachelors of the School of Medicine of the 1st year in the educational program (EP) «Medicine» and 2-5 courses in the EP «General Medicine» for 2022-2023. Material and methods. The FAD of 1645 students in the EP «General Medicine» and «Medicine» for 2022-2023 was analyzed in the SPSS statistics 20.0 program. According to the results of checking the normality of the distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion indicator and the level of its statistical significance were determined. The following parameters were determined: the median value, the standard deviation of the normal distribution of grades, the average value and the confidence interval, and the correspondence of students' grades to the Bell Curve normal distribution scale. We also compared the average values of the summer exam sessions for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years using the Student t-test for independent samples with a normal distribution. Results. According to the results of the analysis of the students' FAD, a normal distribution of grades was observed in the disciplines "Cellular metabolism", "Chemical, molecular and physical foundations of life", "Musculoskeletal system is normal", "Kazakh/Russian language", "Introduction to scientific research and biostatistics" in the 1st year, in the disciplines "Cardiorespiratory system is normal", "Genitourinary system is normal", "Nervous system and sensory organs are normal", "Biological foundations of diseases", "Fundamentals of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics", "Sanitary microbiology" in the 2nd year, in the disciplines of "General pathology", "Pathology of the nervous system and sensory organs", "Pathology of the cardiorespiratory system", "Pathology of the musculoskeletal system", "Evidence-based medicine and the use of statistical analysis methods", "Safe motherhood" in the 3rd year, in the disciplines "Childhood diseases in the clinic", "Genitourinary system in the clinic", "Cardiorespiratory system in the clinic", "Musculoskeletal system in the clinic", "Conducting scientific research in medicine", "Topographic anatomy", "General issues of clinical pharmacology" in the 4th year, in the disciplines "Fundamentals of general medical practice", "Nervous system and sensory organs in the clinic", "Blood and lymph in the clinic", "Emergency medicine", "Infectious diseases" in the 5th year. Conclusion. The data obtained may indicate high-quality teaching in these disciplines, an objective assessment of students' knowledge, the conformity of teaching and evaluation methods, and the professionalism of teachers. A comparative analysis of the average values of FAD in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 was also carried out according to the Student's t-criterion. In 2022-2023, 1,2,3,4 courses showed a statistically significant increase in the average value of FAD compared to 2021-2022 (p=0.0001). At the 5th course, an increase in the average value of FAD was also observed, but it was not statistically significant (p=0.339). This may indicate the objectivity of the calculation of the FAD.
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Category of articles: Medical education

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Dyusupov A.А., Smailova Zh.K., Uzbekova S.Ye., Kairkhanova Y.O., Maukayeva S.B., Orazalina A.S., Kozhanova S.K., Uzbekov D.Ye., Dyusenbayeva A.B. Analysis of the final assessment of disciplines of students of the School of Medicine in 2022-2023 academic year // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 6, pp. 260-270. DOI 10.34689/SH.2023.25.6.028

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