Conducted assessment of sero-lymphatic hatches and submesothelial relief structures of the parietal peritoneum in peritoneal carcinomatosis. The object of study of autopsy material from deceased neglected forms of malignant neoplasms 2012-2015. We believe that the data obtained will make a significant contribution to the theory of cancer metastasis.
The purpose of the study. To assess the serous-lymphatic hatches (SLH) diaphragmatic and pelvic peritoneum cancer with the phenomenon of PC and to examine their role in the pathogenesis of dissemination of cancer cells on the peritoneum from the standpoint of an alternative theory of development PC.
Materials and methods. To achieve this goal were studied the anatomical and pathological materials of diaphragmatic peritoneum and pelvic areas that was removed during surgery in 4 patients (main group) with macroscopically realized carcinomatosis with diagnoses of gastric cancer (2 cases) and ovarian cancer (2 cases). As control was used the material of autopsy of people who died suddenly, no prior history of cancer (4 cases). Peritoneal carcinomatosis nodes in the observations of the main group did not exceed 3-5 mm. Their number varied in a wide range: from 5 to 30 to 1500 mm2. Age interval in both groups was 55-60 years. As a tool for in-depth nonanatomical study used the scanning electron microscope Tescan Vega-3SBH (Czech Republic production) controlled through a personal computer with an energy dispersive attachment for elemental microanalysis and vacuum samples. Drying and cleaning of the samples surface from pollution was carried out ion-plasma etching by setting the "Fine coat Ion sputter JFC 1100" (JEOL, Japan).
Results. Schematically shows the image serous lymph luke described their pump function in normal and peritoneal carcinomatosis. Was first described mineralization of filaments surrounding the hatches and the microrelief in the form: "infiltrative", "polypoid" and "staghorn" mineralization. Microelement composition of the deposits on the peritoneum has been studied by local x-ray spectral microanalysis.
Conclusions. In cancer of the abdomen with signs of peritoneal carcinomatosis observed salinity of the peritoneum. Encrustation by salts of filaments hatches may be the initial stage of the salt block lymphatic capillaries of the peritoneum. This pathogenetic mechanism changes the magnitude and aggravates the course of peritoneal carcinomatosisBibliography link
Ганцев Ш. Х., Ишмуратова Р. Ш., Соломенный С. В., Кзыргалин Ш. Р. Минерализация брюшины при перитонеальном канцероматозе / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №1. С. 54-65.
Gantsev Sh. Kh., Ishmuratova R. Sh., Solomennyi S. V., Kzyrgalin Sh. R. Mineralization of the peritoneum in peritoneal carcinomatosis. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 1, pp. 54-65.
Ганцев Ш. Х., Ишмуратова Р. Ш., Соломенный С. В., Кзыргалин Ш. Р. Перитонеалды канцероматоз кезіндегі ішперденің минерализаци / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2016. №1. Б. 54-65.