The peculiarities of histomorphological characteristics of malignant neoplasm can be linked to its genesis, including the presence of genetic changes in regulatory genes. By-turn, the frequency of the last depends from the influence of mutagenic factors.
The aim. The purpose of research is to determine the morphological features of breast cancer due to the presence of gene mutations BRCА1 and TP53 among women with family and radioecological anamnesis.
Materials and methods. The study included 190 women aged between 40 to 78 years, patients with breast cancer, ethnic Kazakhs, allocated to depending on the availability of family anamnesis of disease and personal and family radioecological anamnesis.
The main group - women with breast cancer with the presence of a family history of malignant tumor - 125 peoples. The main group was divided into 2 subgroups - with the presence of radioecological anamnesis, including a family - 60 people, and without it - 65 people. As a comparison group of 65 patients with breast cancer were examined, in which there was no family history of the disease and information about irradiation. Time intervals inclusion in the study and prospective observation in the groups were similar. The presence of mutations in BRCA1 and TP53 gene was determined by PCR.
Result of the studys. Women with radioecological and family anamnesis were statistically significant relative reduction in the incidence of infiltrating ductal cancer in the presence of BRCA1 and TP53 gene mutations and combinations particularly by enhancing the role of such forms of cancer as medullary cancer, secretory cancer, squamous cell carcinoma and tubular breast cancer.
Conclusions. In the study found presence of interconnection histological characteristics of breast cancer with a family history and the presence of BRC1 and TP53 gene mutations. At persons with mutant genotype of all clinical groups identified an increased frequency of relatively rare histological forms of the disease. The first generation of a family history of breast cancer may also be due to the action of radiation, since the majority of mothers in this group of women living in areas of the radiation risk during the dose-forming explosionsBibliography link
Апсаликов Б. А., Манамбаева З. А., Раисов Т. К., Раисов Д. Т., Алдынгуров Д. К., Масадыков А. С., Толебаева У. Т. Клинико-морфологические особенности рака молочной железы у женщин с радиоэкологическим и семейным анамнезом / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №1. С. 66-76.
Аpsalikov B. А., Маnambaeva Z. А., Raisov T. K., Raisov D. Т., Аldyngurov D. К., Masadykov А. S., Тоlebaeva U. Т. Clinical and morphological features of breast cancer among women with radioecological and family anamnesis. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 1, pp. 66-76.
Апсаликов Б. А., Манамбаева З. А., Раисов Т. К., Раисов Д. Т., Алдынгуров Д. К., Масадыков А. С., Толебаева У. Т. Радиоэкологиялық және жанұялық анамнезі бар әйелдердегі сүт безі обырынының клинико - морфологиялық ерекшеліктері / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2016. №1. Б. 66-76.