Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Introduction. High rates of prevalence and mortality of liver cirrhosis, it’s late clinical manifestation, disadvantages of liver biopsy highlight the background points of our research. Aim. Research of erythrocytes’ antigens profile in patients with liver cirrhosis of Kazakh and Russian ethnical groups. Materials and Methods: One hundred and forty patients with liver cirrhosis and 272 relatively healthy participants of both of nationalities were involved into research. АВ0, MNS, P1, CDE systems of erythrocytes of venous blood were investigated. For the comparison of the frequencies of phenotypes χ2 criterium, odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were used. Results: Erythrocytes phenotypes 0 (I) (OR = 1.917, 95% CI 1,166-3,152), MN (OR = 2.868, 95% CI 1,749-4,704), P1 (+) (OR = 2.412, 95% CI 1,112-5,234), CC (OR = 2.149, 95% CI 1,310-3,526), D (+) (OR = 2.738, 95% CI 1,093-6,860), ee (OR = 1.854, 95% CI 1,092-3,148) in Kazakh patients and A (II) (OR = 2.653, 95% CI 1,063-6,622), MM (OR = 2.879, 95% CI 1,200-6,907), P1 (+) (OR = 3.352, 95% CI 1,383-8,126), Cc (OR = 6.968, 95% CI 2,581-18,812) in Russian patients are associated with liver cirrhosis development. Conclusion: Our research showed that 0(I), MN, D+, CC, ee phenotypes are associated with development of liver cirrhosis in Kazakhs , as А(II), ММ, Сс, P1 isoantigens are related to development of disease in Russians
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