Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

In this paper we present basic principles of planning and carrying out cross-sectional studies in health sciences as well as analyzing the data collected in these studies. We present practical examples of sample size and effect measures calculation for cross-sectional studies using online calculators and Epi Info software. Examples of studies using cross-sectional design from international peer-reviewed literature are also presented. This article provides general introduction to cross-sectional studies and does not substitute specialized literature in clinical epidemiology.

Number of Views: 5934

Category of articles: Research methodology

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Гржибовский А. М., Иванов С. В. Поперечные (одномоментные) исследования в здравоохранении / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2015. № 2. С. 5-18. Grjibovski A. M., Ivanov S. V. Cross-sectional studies in health sciences. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 2, pp. 5-18. Гржибовский А. М., Иванов С. В. Денсаулық сақтаудағы көлденең (бірсәттік) зерттеулер / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2015. № 2. Б. 5-18.

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