Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

The respiratory organs directly interact with atmospheric air and this fact leads to the penetration of such harmful substances as gaseous fluid, fog, smoke, dust and aerosols into the lungs. And dust is the most harmful factor of the air pollution in the contemporary industrial production and the development of subsequent of the pulmonary dysfunction.

The morphological method of studying of the bronchial - pulmonary system is one of the basic criteria of evaluation of pathogenic properties of above-mentioned harmful substances. The method out is applied during the hygienic rate-setting of the industrial aerosols.

In recent years are marked by increase in occupational pulmonary diseases related to dust. Сhrysotile dust associated with other factors induces more hazardous effects, than if acting solely.

At present, the use of chrysotile is a very acute global problem.

Number of Views: 755

Category of articles: Reviews

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