Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

The paper describes the issues of occupation by future medical doctors and the development of profession-oriented approach. It is certainly possible to reach optimum results if any activity are scientifically proved and carried out systematically, expediently. Therefore today in front of the higher educational institutions of Republic Kazakhstan the problem of preparation professionally competent, economically and organizational - managing competent experts is put. Based on different scientific research results on vocational guidance work, the approaches to defining the concept of "vocational guidance" and system of vocational guidance work, the criteria of readiness to organizing vocational guidance are suggested.

The object of research: process of preparation of experts in higher educational institutions.

The purpose of research: to stude the characteristics of students from 9, 10 and 11 forms of comprehensive schools in Pavlodar, willing to enter the medical education establishments in order to propose the scientifically-grounded approaches for strengthening of vocational selection.

Sources of research: the Constitution of Republic Kazakhstan, the Law of Republic Kazakhstan «About education», the State program of development of education of Republic Kazakhstan on 2005-2010, works of philosophers, teachers, psychologists on a problem of research, normative documents by education, the state obligatory standards, teaching-methodical complexes, curriculums.

Methods of research: We conducted qualitative study with self-developed questionnaires. The sample included students of 9, 10 and 11 classes (both urban and rural population, with mandatory criterion for inclusion into the sample was a willingness to be enrolled into medical education establishment). Data processing was carried out with the use of Epi Info 6 package. To calculate the statistical significance of the difference of the differences of the frequencies observed, we used.

Number of Views: 758

Category of articles: Original articles

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