Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. Stenting and bypass surgery is widely introduced into clinical practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, issues of quality of life, health status remain very debatable in scientific circles.

Aim: to analyze the literature devoted to the study of the quality of life and objective state of health of patients before or after surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease, as well as indicators of QALY patients after surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease.

Search strategy: literature search was carried out by manual method using key words (coronary heart disease, stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting, survival, quality of life, QALY), as well as literature sources of evidence databases "PubMed" and "Web of science" were considered, with the help of specialized search engines (Google Scholar) and electronic scientific libraries (CyberLeninka, e-library). The depth of the study is 10 years (from 2008 to 2018). Inclusion criteria: high methodological quality studies: meta-analysis, systematic review and cohort studies, as well as publications with well-formulated and statistically proven findings. Exclusion criteria: abstracts, personal messages, promotional articles. Only those literary sources that reflected the problem from the standpoint of survival and quality of life of patients operated by these methods of treatment and financial costs of surgery were subject to study.

Results: a review of literature has shown that drug-coated stenting (regardless of the type of drug) is more clinically effective than other types of stenting; the quality of life associated with health goes beyond physical symptoms, with activity limitations, social support and participation, and personal perceptions.

Conclusions: further research is needed to identify the dynamics and relationships between these areas, including longitudinal trends in health-related quality of life indicators; coronary artery bypass grafting has a higher cost-effectiveness than stenting in the long term at a higher cost of the former.

Number of Views: 3843

Category of articles: Reviews

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