Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. The annual increase in morbidity and mortality rates from this type of malignant neoplasm makes the problem of cervical cancer topical both in the whole world and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The low survival rate for cervical cancer requires a detailed study of prevalence, epidemiology and mortality, which have different meanings both between countries and within the regions within the same country. Goal: This study is a comparative assessment of quality of life in the traditional and prophylactic modes of radiation therapy for cervical cancer. Methods: Study design is a non-randomized clinical trial. For the period from 2017 to 2018 y. we surveyed 30 patients with cervical cancer. To compare the indicators of quality of life, the Mann-Whitney U-criterion was used between the groups that received treatment according to the standard scheme (TLT) and the prophylactic irradiation of para-aortic lymph nodes in combination with traditional chemo-radiotherapy( PLT). With a p- value less than 0.05, the difference is considered statistically significant. The entire analysis was performed using SPSS ver.20 software. Results: When considering differences in the groups with TLT and PLT in patients with cervical cancer, we found a statistically significant difference when comparing the use of different RT regimens, in the scales - physical functioning, emotional functioning, pain, loss of appetite, symptoms, sexual anxiety. The emotional state of the respondents who received treatment was 82.0 (13.1) in the TLT group, and 89.3 (23.5) - with PLT (p = 0.04). Comparative evaluation of functional scale indicators revealed that the studied patients had low levels of role-playing (88.2 points), physical (63.2 points) functioning. Conclusions: Evaluation of the results of cosmetic effect depending on different regimens of RT does not demonstrate significant differences in the study groups. Epidemiological analysis demonstrates differences in the prevalence of cervical cancer, depending on the stage of the process, regional or urban identity, as well as different age groups of the population.
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