Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The one of the important principle and rehabilitation is active taken part of sick person and his family in treating, because the elderly under way of principled treatment with family will much depended: recoup of neurology deficit, how long time is workable him quick recovery q.e.f in order to promising unto habitual life. Nowadays rehabilitation is cardinally and finishing tread in medicine, will determine the social accustom and professional route of person.
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А.Р. Темирова, М.Б. Сыздыков, Ш.Ф. Капаров, Т.Е. Каирбекова, Р.Е. Сарсенова, Л.Т. Бекенова РАННЯЯ РЕАБИЛИТАЦИЯ БОЛЬНЫХ, ПЕРЕНЕСШИХ ОСТРОЕ НАРУШЕНИЕ МОЗГОВОГО КРОВООБРАЩЕНИЯ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 2. С. 103-105 А.R. Temirova, М.B. Syzdykov, Sh.F. Kaparov, Т.Е. Kairbekova, R.E. Sarsenova, L.Т. Bekenova EARLY REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS AFTER ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 2. С. 103-105 А.Р. Темирова, М.Б. Сыздыков, Ш.Ф. Капаров, Т.Е. Каирбекова, Р.Е. Сарсенова, Л.Т. Бекенова МИ ҚАНАЙНАЛЫМЫНЫҢ ЖІТІ БҰЗЫЛУЫН БАСТАН КЕШІРГЕН НАУҚАСТАРДЫ ЕРТЕ САУЫҚТЫРУ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 2. С. 103-105

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