Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
When carrying out a monitoring of defection of a donor blood it is established that absolute defection of a blood and its components was enlarged by 3,9 times. Thus paid donors make 7,6%, and gratuitous 92,4% of total number of absolute defection. The share of infections in structure of absolute defection averages 47,6%. Frequency of occurrence of transfusion and transmissible infections among donors makes 0,6%. Antibodies of HCV, HBS Ag, Luis in 10 times more often are taped at primary donors, than at the repeated.
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К.К. Таштемиров МОНИТОРИНГ БРАКА КРОВИ И ЕЕ КОМПОНЕНТОВ //Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 3. С. 63-68 K.К. Tashtemirov THE MONITORING OF BLOOD DEFECTION AND ITS COMPONENTS // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 3. С. 63-68 К.К. Таштемиров ҚАН ЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ КОМПОНЕНТТЕРІ АҚАУЛАРЫНЫҢ МОНИТОРИНГІ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 3. С. 63-68

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