Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Median of ioduria amongst baby and adult population in all region Semipalatinsk region corresponded to the normal factor. The frequency of the goiter amongst child as of ultrasonic study corresponded to 9,48% in the main group, 14,5% - in group of the checking. In the same way necessary to note that frequency nodulare varied from 0,5 before 1,5% in the main group, checking 1,7%, however events of the malignancies of the thyroid gland were registerebesid child of the main group. Amongst adult population in the main group goiter frequency has formed 3,2%, but in checking group - 6,8%. Nodule formation in the main group met beside 17,4%, in checking group beside 3,0% examined.
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М.Ж. Еспенбетова, Ж.К. Заманбекова, Ф.К. Тусунбаева, Ш.К. Акинжанова, Д.Е. Жангирова, Р.К. Ельчибаева ТИРЕОИДНАЯ ПАТОЛОГИЯ И ЙОДНАЯ ОБЕСПЕЧЕННОСТЬ В СЕМИПАЛАТИНСКОМ РЕГИОНЕ. //НАУКА ИЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 3. С. 75-76 M.ZH. Espenbetova, ZH.K. Zamanbekova, F.K. Tusunbaeva, Sh.K. Akinzhanova, D.E. Zhangirova, R.K. Elchibaeva IODINE SUPLY AND TYROID PATHOLOGY OF SEMIPALATINSK REGION. // NAUKA I DRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 3. С. 75-76 М.Ж. Еспенбетова, Ж.К. Заманбекова, Ф.К. Тусунбаева, Ш.К. Акинжанова, Д.Е. Жангирова, Р.К. Ельчибаева СЕМЕЙ РЕГИОНЫНЫҢ ЙОДҚА ҚАМТАМАСТЫҒЫ ЖӘНЕ ТИРЕОИДТЫ ПАТОЛОГИЯСЫ. // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 3. С. 75-76

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