Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
In Soviet time on the area of our Semipalatinsk testing area a lot of nuclear tests were carried out during 40 years. So in our region the cases of malignant diseases among them, malignant diseases of the blood exceed in 5 times than in other regions of Kazakhstan. The problem of oncological diseases requires careful approach not only from doctors – oncologists, but also other branches of medicine. Corpses, admitted for the examination irrespective of sex and age, must be subject to careful examination in case of revealing of above mentioned signs, it is necessary to examine the glands of internal secretion, to take punctate from the breastbone and substance of tubular bones for the histological research.
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Category of articles: Case histories

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Г.О. Адильханов, М.С. Ожиков, Н.М. Мырзагулов, Б.К. Касымов МИЕЛОМНАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ. (СЛУЧАЙ ИЗ ПРАКТИКИ). //НАУКА ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ 2012.№ 3. С. 130-132 G.O. Adilkhanov, M.S. Ozhikov, N.M. Myrzagulov, B.K. Kasymov MYELOMIC DISEASE. // NAUKA I DRAVOOKHRANENIE 2012.№ 3. С. 130-132 Ғ.О. Әділханов1, М.С. Ожиков1, Н.М. Мырзагулов2, Б.К. Касымов3 МИЕЛОМДЫ АУРУ. (ТӘЖІРИБЕДЕН АЛЫНҒАН ЖАҒДАЙ). // ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ ЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ. 2012.№ 3. С. 130-132

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