Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Congenital ear anomalies are congenital changes in the size, shape, or position of various elements of the outer, middle and inner ear, which can lead to conditions ranging from mild hearing loss to absolute deafness, speech impairment, limited social activity and personality disability. Although microtia is not life threatening, it significantly affects the emotional and psychological well-being of the affected child and their parents. These definitions, in turn, are fundamental in the formation of the quality of life of children with congenital malformations of the ear. Aim. To show the importance of the correct assessment of the quality of life of children aged from 2 to 7 with congenital malformations of the ear. Materials and methods. The cross-sectional study. From the compiled general list of children with microtia in the Republic of Kazakhstan, by random sampling by using the random number generator of the Excel program, the sample of children aged from 2 to 7 with a confirmed diagnosis was formed, according to the ICD code X: Q16.0 Congenital absence of the auricle, Q16.1 Congenital absence, atresia and stricture of the auditory passage (external), Q17.2 Microtia. For collecting personal data it was used an on-line service for creating surveys (Google Forms). After preliminary creation of a Google account, the web page was developed with a questionnaire posted on it.For the sociological survey of children, the Russian and validated Kazakh versions of the International questionnaire PedsQL ™ 4.0 GenericCoreScales for parents / guardians of children 2-4 and 5-7 years old were used.Exclusion criteria from the survey: disagreement or lack of consent of the informed parents and / or child; unfilled questionnaires (return of empty formats); when by assessing the quality of life, patients who had acute illnesses within a month before the study or mental disorders.Statistical processing of the research data was carried out using the SPSS 23 package. Comparative analysis between variables was carried out using non-parametric methods: the χ2 test, the method of normalized residuals, the risk odds ratio and the Kruskal-Wallis H-test, the Kendall-Spearman-rank correlation, pairwise comparison of samples using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-two-sample-z-test. Results and conclusions: The used research method made it possible to define the quantitative assessment of the quality of life of children with microtia and atresia of the external auditory canal in the age of 2-7 years. It was found that in general, in both groups, high indicators were noted on the scale of physical functioning. Parents of previously operated children showed the lowest scores on all four scales of the quality of life indicator. Patients with average and high material well-being gave significantly more often low scores in all parameters. Children with bilateral pathology noted significantly more often low scores on the scales of social and role functioning. Low scores were revealed in parameters of emotional, social and role functioning in the group of 5-7 year old children in comparison with 2-4 year old children. Conclusions. According to the obtained data we came to the conclusion that this research methodology could be acceptable for Kazakhstan, which gives also new opportunities for a comprehensive assessment of the state of health and targeted selection of children for treatment.
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Imangaliyeva A., Sautbayeva R., Slazhnеva Т., Medeulova А., Mukanova Zh., Kulimbetov A., Kamalov I. Quality life of children with congenital malformations of the ear // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 6, pp. 88-96. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.6.010

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