Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is an important medical and social problem and contributes to public health. According to the World Health Organization, 17.1 million people die each year from heart attacks and strokes, and in recent years it is more common among young people. Aim: To study the medical and social factors in young adult patients with cardiovascular disease. Materials and methods of the study: The study involved patients with cardiovascular diseases aged 25-44 years, registered in medical institutions of Semey city. Research design is a cross-sectional study. Research methods: social, statistical. The choice of statistical criteria depends on the type of variables being analyzed. Pearson's Chi-square and Fisher's exact test were used for nominal and dichotomous variables. Tau-c Kendall criteria were used for ordinal variables. A p- value of less than 0,05 was considered significant. All analyzes were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Results of the study: The survey involved 294 patients with CVD aged 25 to 44 years, with an average age of 38.4 years. 105 (35.7%) men and 189 (64.3%) women participated. By nationality, 219 (74.5%) are Kazakhs and 62 (21.1%) are Russians and 13 (4.4%) patients of other nationalities. To the question “"How often do you go to the cardiovascular clinic/dispensary?" p=0.001 according to the status, that is, retired and unemployed people visited the clinic more often than others. "Do you undergo regular medical examinations?" showed that there are differences in the sex of patients (p = 0.050), i.e. women are more regularly examined than men. Conclusions: Thus, the medico-social factors in young adult patients with cardiovascular disease were studied. According to the survey, retirees and the unemployed are treated more often than others. Women undergo regular medical examinations more often than men. And those with incomplete secondary and incomplete higher education are more often to undergo medical examinations than others. Most men smoke more than women and drink more alcohol. Among patients with medical education, there are few smokers.The higher the level of education of patients, the less stress they experience.
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Category of articles: Original articles

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Mukasheva G.D., Bulegenov T.A., Omarov N.B. Features of medical and social factors in young adult patients with cardiovascular diseases // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 3, pp. 78-87. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.3.011

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